Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

2nd Program of Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving
Many of you who have followed this blog for awhile have seen my postings about the interviews I did with my friend, Ilene Kouzel, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2004. Ilene died last October, just weeks after releasing the...

The Path to Reinvention
A client of mine pointed me to an article in the current issue of Newsweek: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16608336/site/newsweek/from/ET/ The article is entitled, "The First Day of the Rest of My Life." The author, Sara Davidson, is a baby-boomer, established as a writer...

Belly Laugh Day–Jan 24
Laughter Yoga Leader, Elaine Helle, is getting ready for Belly Laugh Day. As she states: "From now until January 24, anticipate laughing out loud on Belly Laugh Day. You will boost your immune system and reduce stress hormones. On January...

It’s About the Question
Jodee Bock has a great post entitled, "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life." She was solicited to give input on the following question (sort of a question about questions): What is the ONE important question a person should ask himself...

Ruth Had It Right
A friend of mine sent this "recipe" from Ruth Bernhard, a world-class photographer, who died recently at the age of 101. Recipe for a Long and Happy Life by Ruth Bernhard Never get used to anything Hold on to the...

Yes, It Can Be Easy
Several people have told me they really liked my holiday e-card this year. In case you missed it, here it is. The story that I like to tell is that it was easy to do. Yes, easy. Here's how it...

Reflections on the Year
Here's a great exercise for looking back on the year from my coach, Shirley Anderson: At year’s end, I generally ask my clients to list 25 things they are most proud of accomplishing in the past year. And also, what...

Moles in the Snow
If you hadn't heard, Denver got socked with a heck of a snowstorm. Judging from the many hours that my husband spent outside shoveling snow off the driveway, I think it's one of the bigger storms since we moved here...

Leader as Storyteller
I interviewed Steve Denning, known as one of the founders of the movement to use storytelling in organizations, for my podcast, Leading With A Whole New Mind. Steve has written several books on using stories in a purposeful way to...