Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Question #9
Ilene is in her last days of living with her body. Knowing that she has chosen not to have any kind of medical assistance to maintain her life (e.g., feeding tubes), I was curious as to the current state of...

Fully Alive
Two years ago, I spoke at the annual conference for Net Impact, an organization composed mainly of MBA students and graduate students committed to using the power of business to improve the world. Held at Columbia Business School in New...

iTunes ranking
Do me a favor. If you enjoyed the Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving podcast, (or any of my other podcasts for that matter), go to the iTunes page, become a subscriber and provide a comment under the Customer Review section. What...

The Upside to Long Layovers
I recently flew to Portland, Maine to do a workshop. Unfortunately, my morning flight out of Denver was cancelled and I was re-routed through the Pittsburgh airport. I was pleasantly surprised to find wonderful shopping at the layover in Pittsburgh....

Small is the New Big
Another book that's been in the press recently is Small Is the New Big by Seth Godin. It's a collection of some of his best essays. (No, I haven't read it but I've read enough of Seth's stuff to know...

Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving Podcast
I'm pleased to announce the Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving podcast, (www.consciousliving-leaving.com) where you can listen to my interviews with Ilene Kouzel on living and dying well. The first program is entitled, "Leaving the Amusement Park" and is based on a...

Vital Friends
A book that's been getting alot of press lately is Vital Friends by Tom Rath. Rath also wrote the book, How Full Is Your Bucket: Positive Strategies for Work and Life. He's also a researcher at the Gallup Organization, where...

Question #8
In a conversation with Ilene this week, she joked about how she felt like she was the boy who cried wolf. I asked what she meant by that. She replied, "I told people I didn't think I would make it...

Free Agent
I announced in my monthly ezine that I'll soon be interviewing Daniel Pink, author of A WHOLE NEW MIND on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. (We are both alums and the Northwestern Alumni Association is sponsoring the...