Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living

Life Lessons

Preview of Coming Attraction

I write an article once a month and send it as part of my ezine. The article lets me expand on a topic that might feel a bit too long in a blog posting. I haven't written this month's article...

When Clouds Lift

Last week, we had our first big snow storm of the season. Not at my house, but 10 miles away, in the foothills of Boulder, Colorado. At my house, we had two days of rain. Something about updrafts and mountains...

Overheard on the Way to School

I drive my kids to school most mornings. It's a time to reconnect with the kids, where there are no Nintendo DS games or friends calling on the phone to distract us. Sometimes, my older son is eating a granola...

Procrastination and Trusting the Process

It's been awhile since I posted. And there's been a zillion times when I thought, "Oh, that would be a good topic to blog about." And I never managed to log into the blogging software to sit and write. Procrastination....


I love the fall season. The last of the sunny, warm days becomes more precious. The trees drop their gold before becoming barren. I admire the vibrant row of red geranium flowers in my front yard one more time before...

More on Grace

I received an email from someone who read my post on Grace. There is one line from the email that keeps going through my mind: "Grace is God's presence (wisdom, truth and love) poured over you in this time and...

Where Are You, Rico?

I blogged last month about my experience with great customer service provided by a man named Rico. Here’s the other side of the coin—what happens when a customer is treated poorly. Unfortunately, I think this side of the coin is...


The following post was written last spring, before this blog was up and running. It seems particularly appropriate today. Last night, a family member was admitted to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Life continues to teach me about tough love...

Falling in Love with Conflict

I was in a training class for advanced coaching skills recently. One of the things that I got out of the class was the idea that conflict is a signal of something new trying to emerge in a system. The...

Katrina, Part 2

The aftermath of Katrina continues to unfold. I have forgotten if this is week 3 or 4. The stories have shifted in tone from “how could this happen?” to “what happened?” to “who screwed up?” to “what will we do...