Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living

Life Lessons


I love the fall season. The last of the sunny, warm days becomes more precious. The trees drop their gold before becoming barren. I admire the vibrant row of red geranium flowers in my front yard one more time before...

More on Grace

I received an email from someone who read my post on Grace. There is one line from the email that keeps going through my mind: "Grace is God's presence (wisdom, truth and love) poured over you in this time and...

Where Are You, Rico?

I blogged last month about my experience with great customer service provided by a man named Rico. Here’s the other side of the coin—what happens when a customer is treated poorly. Unfortunately, I think this side of the coin is...


The following post was written last spring, before this blog was up and running. It seems particularly appropriate today. Last night, a family member was admitted to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Life continues to teach me about tough love...

Falling in Love with Conflict

I was in a training class for advanced coaching skills recently. One of the things that I got out of the class was the idea that conflict is a signal of something new trying to emerge in a system. The...

Katrina, Part 2

The aftermath of Katrina continues to unfold. I have forgotten if this is week 3 or 4. The stories have shifted in tone from “how could this happen?” to “what happened?” to “who screwed up?” to “what will we do...

Habits for Happiness

A friend and colleague of mine, Shawn Snelgrove, runs a business, Brainstorming A La Mode, about creativity. In her newsletter, she references Richard Koch and his book, "80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less" . Koch...

The Outcome Matters

I've been playing engineer this week--trying to figure out the intracies of autoresponders (that slick software that automatically emails you after subscribing to a newsletter), merchant accounts, blog templates, and even messing with HTML code. I especially enjoyed changing the...

Brianna Joanna

I have an imaginary daughter. She’s about 13 years old (give or take a few months), has thought about modeling, loves Pottery Barn bedroom furnishings, and is just about ready to start those SAT prep courses. Brianna Joanna is the...

Posts I Love

Here are some posts on other blogs that are worth talking about. You can tell because I commented on most of these posts on the blog itself (although from what I hear from Seth Godin, providing comments is “out” and...