Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Habits for Happiness
A friend and colleague of mine, Shawn Snelgrove, runs a business, Brainstorming A La Mode, about creativity. In her newsletter, she references Richard Koch and his book, "80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less" . Koch...

The Outcome Matters
I've been playing engineer this week--trying to figure out the intracies of autoresponders (that slick software that automatically emails you after subscribing to a newsletter), merchant accounts, blog templates, and even messing with HTML code. I especially enjoyed changing the...

Brianna Joanna
I have an imaginary daughter. She’s about 13 years old (give or take a few months), has thought about modeling, loves Pottery Barn bedroom furnishings, and is just about ready to start those SAT prep courses. Brianna Joanna is the...

Posts I Love
Here are some posts on other blogs that are worth talking about. You can tell because I commented on most of these posts on the blog itself (although from what I hear from Seth Godin, providing comments is “out” and...

We have been immersed in the news glut of Katrina for about a week now. Every newscast, every paper, every media-related website reports something about Katrina, every day. Even the images that automatically download when I start up Real Audio...

What I’m Noticing
My apologies in advance for the long posting. Sometimes, when stuff piles up inside, there’s a lot to say when I start writing…. I’ve been waiting until today to blog about Katrina. It’s been hard to make sense of it....

When You Get a “Q” without a “U”
I played the word game, Scrabble, with my husband last week. It had been years since we played, just the two of us, mano a mano. We both love word games and are competitive. We each have taken so long...

Will The Real Carol Ross Please Stand Up?
Middle of the night web-surfing can be fun (no, I'm not talking about looking at pictures of naked people...) I googled myself tonight. You know--putting my name into Google and seeing what comes up. I used to get annoyed when...

Now If Only the Post Office Would Take Note
I was at the PostNet store down the street this past week. I was in a hurry, on my way to an appointment, and needed to get two packages sent with tracking numbers. The clerk, named Rico, looked at the...