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Worth Reading/Viewing: 3 L’s of Careers, Being Enough, and the Power of Words

The first is a commencement speech given by Robert Krulwich, the science reporter, to UC Berkeley Journalism School's graduating class of 2011. While Krulwich addresses the future of journalism, I think he's really speaking to the future of work.  To be successful in your career, one needs to think and act like an entrepreneur–taking risks, making a left when everyone else is going right and following a passion. It's what I call the 3 L's of Careers:  Leaps, Left Turns, and Love.

The second thing worth viewing is a TED talk on vulnerability and letting go, to get what we really want in life.  The speaker, a researcher at the University of Houston Graduate College ofof Social Work, Brene Brown, is funny, authentic, and self-effacing. I love her exploration of the concept of wholeheartedness and being enough, just as we are. 

During my month-long hiatus, I'm learning to do more of the latter–being enough, just as I am.  It makes me think about my my friend, Ilene Kouzel, who died of Lou Gehrig's disease in 2006.  Near the end of her life, she found the joy of being an artist.  I remember her saying, "I used to do art so that I could make something for someone else, for example, a handmade card.  But now, I fully enjoy the process, no matter the outcome."  She was enough and her art didn't need to provide anything else other than enjoyment. 

And finally, here's a video that will make you think twice about how to create messages that connect and compel others to act.

My thanks to Victoria Cummings, Carole Levy, and Dave Murphy for pointing me to these gems.

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