Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

You know a word is overused when it becomes part of someone's Twitter handle, as in @janesmithrocks. Whatever happened to imagination and creative writing?

Why Management Guru, Tom Peters, Responded to My Tweet
Not long ago, I read a post on Tom Peter’s blog that I enjoyed, where one of his points was the futility of planning ahead. I tweeted about it, referencing the blog post: @tom_peters advice for Living Life to the...

Part 2: A New Roadmap to Building Something Big and Lasting
The startup phase is tricky, because we can fool ourselves that we are making progress, when we are not. This is one of the many lessons I'm taking away from the book, The Lean Startup. This is the second part...

A Time to Bloom
Spring is my favorite season. It's a time of re-birth in nature. Every year in late February, I smile when I see the dull green of daffodil shoots poking up above the mulch. By March the yellow bouquets are gracing...

Part 1: A New Roadmap for Building Something Big and Lasting
The sign of a good book for me is one that I wish I had read years ago. So it was for Pam Slim's book, Escape from Cubicle Nation and more recently, with Jonathan Fields' book, Uncertainty: Turning Fear and...

3 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read
Entrepreneurs by definition are attempting something no one else has done before. (I'm not counting franchisees in this category.) And under those circumstances, you will: Have some fear (maybe LOTS) Need to communicate to others what you are trying to...

Staying Sane in an Insane World
It has been over six months since I largely checked out of the working world to recharge and "fill up the well". I'm back in the saddle, but there's no guarantee that I won't go down the same path of...

Networking Effectively = Increased Happiness
Say what? I just made the connection this morning. Over the weekend, I went to a screening of the documentary, happy. It was all about the science of happiness and included fascinating social science and brain science research. Including the...

Had an OMG moment this morning, reading about a new application of Lego Serious Play--for use in journalistic interviews when the topic is controversial and involves a complex social reality (e.g., What is Israel? What is Palestine?) See legoviews.com for...