Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

How’s That LinkedIn Profile Working For You?
Yeah, I know that's a bit snarky. Honestly, most people aren't happy with their LinkedIn profile, but they don't do anything about it. It's like having a bad haircut and hoping 1) no one notices (ummm, yeah) and 2) as...

A lovely way to spend an evening: Sitting next to the Christmas tree, in a darkened room, save for the lights on the tree, lap cat and blanket, listening to late poet, John O'Donohue, talk about beauty: http://bit.ly/elHw3D

Winter Solstice
Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice. For the last few days, I've noticed the light and mood around 4pm, when daylight is fading away, marking the onset of evening. It leaves me with a mixture...

Brilliant Ideas from Google, Pamela Slim,and Maybe You
I was struck today by two ideas that harness the power of recognizing your clients/customers. And it's not a holiday card with a thank you, which works, but isn't very exciting. Last August, I took a four-day workshop with Pamela...

My husband's Christmas wish list: (1) Peace throughout the universe! (2) Enough food for everyone on Earth! (especially ice cream and pumpkin pie and cookies for little boys!) (3) Three pianos in every pot (er, house) (4) New big toes...

Engage Your Followers With Backstory
I've blogged a lot recently about story. And the part of story that I love the most is backstory--the story behind the story. I ran across blogs for two artists, one a chorale composer and the other a photographer, who...

Slowing Down the Mind
"I have no idea what you just said." These are the words that came out of a mentor's mouth, after listening to me talk uninterrupted, about things going on in my newest business, My Alumni Link. It's not the first...

Hamlet’s Blackberry and Thanksgiving Dinner
I recently finished the book, Hamlet's Blackberry, by William Powers. The author gives voice to nagging questions in the minds of anyone with Internet connectivity and multiple screens in their home and work environment (which is pretty much everyone I...

How Leaders Inspire Followers
Leaders who impact me most are the ones who are comfortable in their own skin. This is not the same as charisma. Nor is it the same as being authoritative. (Although you can have both and be comfortable in your...

Personality Poker: A Case Study in Boundary Crossing
Personality Poker is a different kind of assessment tool for capturing one's personality quickly. It's also a great example of the collision of multiple worlds: personality assessments, Formula One racing, and Las Vegas poker. Think I'm a bit crazy? See...