Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

How to Prepare for a Big Day
You know the feeling. It's something that's been on your calendar and taking up mindshare. Maybe it's a big presentation at work that's anxiety inducing, or a highly anticipated vacation away, or a medical procedure that you are dreading. How...

Pure Joy
Recently, I spent the day at a nearby retreat center. Designed as a day of self-renewal, this Franciscan center on 70 acres offered solitude among beautiful oak trees, holistic bodily treatments (think sound healing and massage), nourishing meals, and spiritual...

Want More Connection? Try This.
I often hear people say they would like to have more connection in their lives. Whether it's with friends or family or significant others, connection is nourishing. It's a basic human need. What I hear less of is the need...

Two Uncomfortable Questions to Lean Into
“My confidence and excitement have increased by 100%.” A client, Jennifer, was giving me feedback on our work together. Jennifer is an experienced coach. The best coaches are never finished with their growth. They seek out resources that can help...

Unbearably Beautiful
Recently, I ran across this quote from author Susan Cain, talking about what inspires her: “One of the most inspiring things is other writers who create something almost unbearably beautiful." The phrase, “unbearably beautiful” touched something inside of me. I...

A Potent Twist on Forgiveness
Here in the U.S., it's vacation time. Recently, I took a trip to Colorado to visit family and friends. It was a wonderfully spacious vacation, with intimate conversations, mah-jong games, and visits to my favorite consignment shops. Vacation time also...

Cultivating Tenderness
I have noticed more harshness in the world over the last few years. Maybe you have, too. Over time, hearts become hardened and numb to not only the harm done to others, but harm done to ourselves. Indulging our Negative...

Who Would Want to Talk to Me?
This is the second in a series about loneliness. If you missed the first post, click here. ------------------- Many years ago, I was coaching a client who was about to attend a conference related to her work. This was a person...

The Three Words I Dreaded
Photo by Jeswin Thomas On a recent Sunday afternoon, I had time to myself. Which isn't all that unusual, given that my husband and I are empty nesters and my better half was doing what a lot of men do...