Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

What’s Your Backstory?
Back story sells. People want the inside scoop. The why and how, not just the what. I was talking with a woman who built a thriving graphic design business of twenty employees and then sold it. In fact, she's sold...

Quote from Seth Godin's newest book, Linchpin: "You need a platform that makes it easy to turn your insights into a movement. I'm trying to sell you on the idea of building a platform *before* you have your next idea,...

How Coke Created The Real Thing
Real as in authentic reactions of delight, happiness, and joy. See this video that speaks not only to creating with your customer but to the difference between improv and a stage play (hat tip to Simon Young for that wonderful...

Best bargain for professional development you'll find in 2010 in the Denver area: full-day workshop, "Reclaim Your Career: Professional Presence in a Social Media World" for just $25. Includes lunch plus talent assessment. Registration closes on June 15. To register,...

A Workshop For Digital Immigrants
It was through my work with A Bigger Voice that I came to understand the world of the "digital immigrant", those individuals 30 years and older who had to move into the Internet age. In contrast, "digital natives," like my...

Summer of Opportunity
I was coaching a client when I blurted out, "This is your summer of opportunity." My client had been talking about activities winding down for the summer break and having more time to pursue other interests, beyond the usual obligations...

Help Wanted: Creative Types
I'm convinced that the juiciest jobs are ones at the intersection of multiple worlds. In a recent Wall Street Journal article, "Help Wanted: Creative Types", advertising agencies report difficulty in filling the top job, chief creative officer. Photo by Andreanna...

Changing Signs of Spring
Spring is by far my favorite season, because each week seems to bring forth new visual delights. Bulbs, trees, and bushes planted many years ago still surprise me each spring. They are steady friends, showing up in the middle of...

3 Reasons To Learn Improv
A few months ago, I blogged about my experience with learning the art of improvisation. If you are in the Boulder/Denver area, the same two improv workshops that I attended will be held in June. See below for more info....