Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Brains on Fire: Interview With Spike Jones
Brains on Fire is a brand identity and marketing company that drew my attention with these words on their home page: "Brains on Fire helps organizations build movements." When was the last time you heard a for-profit company talk about...

The Battle of the Brain: http://bit.ly/8RpZZH . History of how societies have embraced left brain or right brain competencies. Both sides are needed.

10 Thoughts on Twitter, A Year Later
It was just about a year ago that I made a commitment to figuring out Twitter and using it on a regular basis. It's now part of my "eco-system" where I can find and interact with kindred spirits. A few...

Year-End Reflections and Planning for 2010
I've always loved the week between Christmas and New Year's, even when I had no vacation days left and found myself working in a deadly quiet office. It's in the stillness that my mind settles down enough to plan for...

Good News for Boundary Crossers in the Job Market
In a Wall Street Journal article, Landing a Job of the Future Takes a Two-Track Mind, I was struck by how it described the need to inhabit more than one world to land tomorrow's plum job. The article makes it...

Career and Workplace Advice from Dan Pink
I'm always thrilled when I can engage with bright minds on topics that I'm passionate about. In this interview with Dan Pink, we talk about core lessons for navigating a successful career from his book, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko,...

Danger: Aging Ahead
I recently attended an arts performance that was part of a festival celebrating "creative aging." I went because it was in my own backyard (Boulder), at a convenient time (Sunday afternoon) and featured a performing group that I enjoyed (Stories...

The 1st company I would contact if I ever needed a job: Brains on Fire, www.brainsonfire.com , "helping organizations build movements." Check it out.

Another fun video from ImprovEverywhere (http://improveverywhere.com): http://tiny.cc/FNSgm . Guaranteed to brighten your day within minutes.