Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Tell Me a Story
A Denver Post article talks about different projects to chronicle individual life stories. After helping the ABV pilot clients understand their life stories, I have a deeper appreciation for the power of connecting the dots in one's life. Part of...

Declining Value of Your College Degree
Dan Pink called this one a few years ago with his book, A Whole New Mind and this article provides concrete numbers to make the case. The median weekly salary for individuals with a bachelor's degree, adjusted for inflation, decreased...

Making Social Networking Work
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal provides a mixed review of the effectiveness of social networking. The following day, the author of the article blogged about this same topic. The posting provides some good tips but what's even...

A Glimpse Into Humanity: $2 Drawings and Post Card Secrets
I found glimpses into the human mind and experience with two online sites:Seth Godin points to a cartoonist who will "draw anything for $2". The cartoonist posts the finished product. While the drawings are humorous and entertaining, I find the...

When One Door Closes, Another Opens
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that railroads are doing well, partly because with the rise in gas prices, they're looking like a better and better alternative to trucking. In any economy, there are winners and losers. After 9/11, security-related...

Case Study: Coolest Women We Know
A friend of mine started a women's networking group in the Denver area eight months ago. This group is based on the idea that when "cool women we know" get together, something good is going to happen. New members are...

Advice from Coolest Women We Know
My friend, Wendy Bohling, invited me to join a women's networking group that she started last fall. The group, aptly named, "Coolest Women We Know," draws from accomplished women in high-tech, ranging from C-levels in telecom companies to software entrepreneurs...

A Conversation About Social Media
Simon Young, with his wife, Marie, was interviewed about social media on Radio New Zealand (Simon and Marie live in Auckland, NZ.) The interview covers a range of topics, from a study done by Deloitte that proclaims spending on social...

Your Story Isn’t Who You Are, Secrets to Staying Creative, and Nuts and Bolts
In loading up my iPod for an upcoming trip, I came across these thought-provoking podcasts: The Accidental Creative. The direct link to the podcast on iTunes is:phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=93424211. Todd Henry interviews some great thinkers about their work and how they stay...