Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Aiming High
Seth Godin has a great post about the forces of mediocrity. It struck a chord with me as I continue to look at the end game for ABV. What's the great result that someone can aim for when they undertake...

Motto Gone, Replaced By Ode
I received a copy of Ode magazine in the mail recently, a periodical that I had not subscribed to and had never heard of. My questions were quickly answered when I received a notice in the mail that Motto magazine,...

How Dissing Oprah Led Me to Full Expression
I recently had a posting on my other blog titled, "Oprah's Big Give is a Big Bust." After hitting the publish button, I wondered what I had gotten myself into--reaming one of the true American Idols of the last 20...

Blogging, PR, and Social Networking
I've been spending alot of time on understanding how technology, communities, and remarkable wisdom come together. Along the way, I've come across some great resources that you may be interested in as well: Blogging Heroes by Michael Banks. Subtitle is "Interviews...

What to Look for in an Ally
Part of the networking work under the umbrella of A Bigger Voice is finding allies who can support you on the journey. I found a great posting about what makes a good ally for innovators here. I'm fortunate to have...

Venturing into Twitter and LinkedIn
Okay, I feel like I've done my duty for the day. I filled out my Twitter profile, requested to follow a few people on Twitter, and asked a question to my connections on LinkedIn. Everything was going fine until I...

Oprah’s Big Give is a Big Bust
Okay, I'm imagining that I'm going to get alot of flack from Oprah fans. And this needs to be said. I watched the premiere episode of Oprah's Big Give. Like many other people, I was touched by the emotion that...

The Woman’s Version of Performance Anxiety
This past weekend, my husband asked me to stop at the ATM as part of my round of errands. My first thought: "Sure, and what is my PIN?" I had this sense that the PIN I had used for the...

Free: Chris Anderson Sees the Future
Just after posting about trends that I wish I could have seen ten years ago, I stumble across Chris Anderson's Wired article about Free. Fascinating essay about how digital technology has created an economy based on things being free. How...