Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

I'm coming to the party late. And enjoying it. Haven't been to a Rockies game in years. Don't watch the regular season games on tv. But I'm enjoying the gatherings with family around the tube during the post season. And...

Denver Event on Creativity
If you are in the Denver area, consider treating yourself to a weekend of creativity and leadership workshops on November 2 and 3. Regis University is hosting the Leadership and Creativity Conference 2007, "The Fire Within: Igniting the Wildfires of...

When Good Things Happen Quickly: Postscript
Back in March, I posted about good things happening quickly for a friend, Kevin Menzie, founder and CEO of Slice of Lime, a local Boulder web design company. In the course of a few days, Kevin found himself being whisked...

Free Play
I just finished the book, Free Play, by Stephen Nachmanovitch. The subtitle is "Improvisation in Life and Art" and the book is a wonderful guide for exploring the nature of creating and creativity. One of the chapters I particularly enjoyed...

A Fair Trade?
A friend emailed me this cartoon about life coaching. (If you are having trouble reading the words on the cartoon, click on the picture for a full-size version.) With every joke, there's an element of truth. Unfortunately, too many trained...

Leadership With a Twist
I recently blogged about my friend, Kenny Moore, giving a talk sponsored by the American Management Association on leadership. Click here to get the recording. Well worth the time it takes to listen. Kenny is insightful, passionate, fresh in his...

A 12-Year Old’s Perspective
My son was bemoaning that fact that it was another Monday, and the start of another week of school. He told me that it's getting easier to get up on Mondays but he wishes things were different at school. How...

Sylvia Acevedo
While I was in Austin last week, I had the good fortune of meeting Sylvia Acevedo, a three-time entrepreneur and former sales and marketing executive in high-tech (Apple, Autodesk, Dell, IBM). She has a master's degree in engineering from Stanford...

Smart Women
Two recent events featuring smart women and careers: Marci Alboher points us to a panel she was on with three other women, talking about women in the workplace, on the Sirius Satellite radio show, Be Happy, Dammit!, as well as...