Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Being Well-Used
I recently published an article on HR.com on what it means to serve others well. It's taken from my experience in working with teams, but I'm guessing that it describes other types of situations around service. Would love to hear...

More on Filling Up on Life
I've gotten some wonderful responses about my recent post on bike riding in Boulder. Readers told me about their own rituals of filling up on life--walks over NYC's bridges on Sundays, motorcycle rides, and this: "Just got back from a...

May 24–Bring Yourself to Work Day
Mark your calendars! May 24 is Bring Yourself to Work Day. I'm pleased to be a part of this event, initiated by David and Amy Schmaltz. David is the author of The Blind Man and the Elephant: Mastering Project Work...

June 13 Event
I've arranged for Marci Alboher, author of the book, One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success, to speak on June 13, 7-9pm in Denver. In her book, Marci gives identity to a new kind of worker, “slashes,” individuals...

What Are You Attracting?
As I was journaling this morning, I came up with a set of questions that was revealing about the current state of my life: What am I attracting? The list ranged from "friends who are struggling with teens" to "laughter--with...

From Day One
Northwestern University released the second in a series of interviews I conducted for the podcast, Career Mastery: Insights from the Experts. This interview is with William J. "Bill" White, former CEO of a Bell and Howell and now a professor...

There's a new way to let the world know more about your world, about who you are and what your life looks like. As if we don't have enough reality TV, self-absorbed diary distribution, and "it's-all-about-me" video. Now there's something...

What Dan is Learning in Japan
I heard from a friend that Dan Pink, author of A WHOLE NEW MIND, and his family have temporarily moved to Japan. She pointed me to his site for more info. At Dan's site, I discovered several great posts on...

Biking in Boulder
My friend, Evelyn, and I bike on Sunday mornings. We are fair weather bicyclists. We only venture out when the conditions are good. That means sunny skies and comfortable temperatures and moderate terrain. Light wind or none at all. Neither...