Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Debt-Free, After 25 Years
Not since I graduated from college, with student loans, have I been debt-free. My husband recalls that when he left college, he didn't have any money but he didn't have any debts either. Until he married me. What started off...

How Poetry Nourishes Me
Several years ago, I asked my niece, Joanna, who was in a graduate program for poetry, what appealed to her about this form of writing. She replied, "I like the density--how you can convey so much in so few words."...

Interview on A Bigger Voice
Interested in hearing more about my newest venture, straight from the horse's mouth? I was recently interviewed by Terry Morreale for W3W3, about A Bigger Voice. Click here to find the link and read the backstory about reconnecting with Terry,...

Interview on Wisdom Entrepreneurs
Photo by Larry Nelson of W3W3.comFor those of you who learn best by listening, I was recently interviewed about wisdom entrepreneurs by W3W3, Internet talk radio, billed as "Colorado's Voice of the Technology Community." Click here for more info on...

Jeremiah Owyang’s Keynote at Thin Air Summit
It's one thing to read someone's blog over time. It's another thing to see them speak in person. Jeremiah Owyang gave the keynote yesterday on the second (and last) day of the Thin Air Summit,with a talk titled, "The Future...

Dave Taylor’s Keynote at Thin Air Summit
Dave Taylor gave the keynote at the opening of the Thin Air Summit. And what an opening! He's a pioneer in the use of the Internet, going back to the '80s. With that experience comes a wise perspective. I found...

Anchor and Twist: Defining a Wisdom Entrepreneur
In talking with others about the concept of A Bigger Voice, it's been trial and error in finding the right words, to communicate clearly and concisely. This is important. Without crystallization of your message, of your wisdom, of the stunning...

Chris Lowney: Leadership Lessons From a Jesuit Turned Investment Banker Turned Social Entrepreneur
This week, with the historic election of Obama, Americans clearly expressed something fundamental to the human experience--a yearning for our leaders to provide us with hope and inspiration. I could see it on the televised faces of the crowd gathered...

Unity is the Enemy of Political Freedom
"[O]nly tolerance for opposition and conflict can guarantee the survival of political freedom." --Susan Dunn, in the introduction to The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses by Jean-Jacques Rousseau It's been a long campaign season. I've wanted to...