Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

What Hell Really Looks Like
Quote from composer Gian-Carlo Menotti:"Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did...

Building Upper Body Strength
This Dilbert cartoon points to what happens when technology is used without purpose behind it. As an ABV collaborator wrote, in an email with the cartoon: "In a humorous way, I think it speaks to problems on both sides of...

Inside the Mind of Your Customer: Bottled Water and Toothpaste
The bottle on the left is what I normally expect when I buy bottled water out of a vending machine. That's 20 ounces. The bottle on the right is what I received after I put 75 cents into the machine. ...

Don’t Make Not Knowing an Excuse
Several months ago, I blogged about Peter Block's Employee Manifesto, promising to discuss parts of the Manifesto in later postings. A bit late, but here's another installment. Item 6 is:"Accept the unpredictability of the situation we are in. The future...

Networking Towards Divergence and Convergence
I found this great tool for looking at your network in a new way: "7 Steps to Conducting Your Own Social Networking Audit." The site itself has some interesting ideas on the difference between traditional networking and "social exploration." I...

WTF? How Civility Has Gone Out of Style
Several years ago, my husband observed how people are becoming less and less civil to each other. This article, "Be Nice or What? Fans of Dr. Forni Spread Civility" confirms my husband's suspicions, with a movement to increase civility in...

Please Don’t Call Me a Publicist
What you call yourself really does matter. Since starting this project, I've talked to many people about the concept. And one moniker that keeps coming up is publicist. I've never hired one nor do I personally know any. And yes,...

Gratitude, Making Meaning, and Small Steps
I've just posted Part 2 of my interview with Jim Huling, author of Choose Your Life! and CEO of Matrix Resources. Jim has a wonderful way of making the abstract concrete with his story-telling and willingness to show emotion. He's...

7 Minutes of Reading vs. 20 Minutes of Facebook
Airlines, banks and newspapers are in the news as a result of their struggles. I fly just a few times a year. I don't have a subprime loan. But I love to read. More bad news for traditional media, this...

Pattern Recognition in E-Commerce
The May issue of Fast Company magazine has an article, "Barneys and Friend," that highlights the talents of a genetics researcher to discern consumer online patterns for their email marketing. Quote from the researcher, Sheldon Gilbert, whose academic history includes...