Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Diversity of Thought
I ran across two articles that speak to the importance of boundary crossing, the second just published today by The New York Times: Diversity of Thought:The Next Frontier Innovative Minds Don't Think Alike Both articles emphasize how breakthroughs depend on...

How to Save a Life
Students from Northwestern University's law school, medical school, management school and engineering school, are part of a boundary-crossing entrepreneurship program. Placed into teams of four, one from each school, these students shadow hand-picked physicians in hospitals. The intended outcome of...

Brilliant Gift Giving…for next year
My 50 something brother-in-law appreciated my gift to him--a book that I ordered from Amazon. In fact, he raved about it as soon as he opened it up--a book about a naval explorer of China from the 15th century (famous,...

Crescendos, Christmas, and Crying
It's Christmas Eve. I'm hosting Christmas dinner for my family tomorrow--all 21 of them. I have three siblings, all married with families, in the area. We rotate who hosts Thanksgiving and Christmas from year to year. The last time I...

Six Senses and Leaders
My colleague, Robert Rasmussen, an expert in using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, writes in his ezine: "Over eight years, Charles Palus and David Horth, researchers at the Center for Creative Leadership and co-authors of "The Leader's Edge, Six Creative Competencies for...

Books for a Better Life
Two books that I recommend, both antidotes to Mr. Scrooge's nightmare of reaching the end of a lifetime with significant regrets: Five Wishes by Gay Hendricks. This is a quick read that you can easily get through in an evening....

The Bottom Line of Design
A few issues back,Fast Company magazine was focused on design, with a special section titled, "Masters of Design." A great quote that illustrates how design is a competitive advantage: "A three-year study of more than 40 Fortune 500 companies by...

12 Rules to Live By
As I was cleaning my 12-year old son's room, I noticed a faded piece of paper thumbtacked to the wall above the bed. Here's what was written in faded pencil: To: Andy From: Dad Date: 11/1/04 Subject: 12 Rules to...

This is a follow-up to my post on Peter Block's Employee Manifesto. The first of many, as it seems the wisdom in this manifesto has captured my attention, in the way that when one is shopping for yellow VW Beetles,...