Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

How Friday the 13th Became Boulder’s 9/11
In just 5 days, Boulder County, where I live, received over 14 inches of rain. I've heard that's more than 75% of the typical annual rainfall for this area. What started out as a blessing from a late summer heat...

Week One: Not as Bad As I Imagined
This is Week One of my new life, as an empty nester. For years I've been anticipating this moment--two children, now men, out in the world. When my older son, Casey, was a senior in high school, I remember thinking,...

How a Presence Turns into Genuine Love
I never expected to be a cat owner. Several years ago, I remember going to an office supply store, getting out of the car, looking over at an adjacent pet store, and thinking, “That’s the last store you’ll ever...

Pledge to Myself: Write, Just Write.
Yesterday, I had a coaching session with someone who barely knows me. She asked me what I was doing to get out of my head and into my creative flow. I thought I was in my creative flow. I was...

I Deserve to Be Here
I've shifted my mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance. No, I didn't blindly repeat a mantra about how the Universe is loving and abundant. Nor did I go to the bank and get a $100 bill to...

A Lifetime of Stories
Each of us has wonderful stories inside of us, waiting to be told. The older you are, the more stories you have. The shame is that many of these stories will never be heard, their power to connect human beings...

Living a Bigger Story
Remember the bumper stickers: "I'd rather be fishing" or "I'd rather be sailing"? I'd rather be...living a bigger story. Photo by NASA Goddard Photo and Video So much of my life has been spent finding answers, "figuring it out", whatever...

3 Resources Every Wisdom Entrepreneur Should Know About
Communicate. Engage. Simple words that are hard to do well. Here are three great resources that have helped me communicate to and engage with my tribe more effectively: The Art of Explanation by Lee LeFever. A book on how to...

12 Proven Ways to Build Your Tribe
On January 1, it was announced that I am one of the finalists in the Awesome Engagement Strategies Contest, sponsored by firepolemarketing.com. I entered as a way to spread an idea that worked incredibly well for connecting with my tribe--meetups...