Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Part 4: When Coincidence Meets Destiny
Photo by Anitha Kapu The following is Part 4 in a series of posts about my journey into the metaphysical world, starting with a ghostly image taken on the shores of Lake Champlain in Vermont and continuing with a...

Part 3: When Coincidence Meets Destiny
Photo by yeon woo lee The following is Part 3 in a series of posts about my journey into the metaphysical world, where a mysterious photo, genealogy research, and an acupuncture treatment all collided to bring an ancestor alive...

Part 2: When Coincidence Meets Destiny
The following is Part 2 in a series of posts about my journey into the metaphysical world, starting with a road trip to Vermont that took me to the site of a demolished train station, poised for an eerie photo....

When Coincidence Meets Destiny
I started writing about the change in seasons, as the weather has gotten considerably cooler in Iowa, and probably where you live as well. I soon realized that was not what was in my heart and mind. A good writer...

Akashic Records Session
In this one-on-one virtual session, you'll get new insights as well as confirmation on those niggling feelings that you haven't trusted, sometimes for years. Discover the power of prayer and other practices to shift stuck energy, connect to your best...

New Beginnings
Fall is the time for new beginnings, isn't it? Something about the school year starting, and anything--really anything--being possible. What I've noticed is that in order to start something new, there has to be space to create. Which means letting...

Choosing Love
At the end of a long day, in meditation, I asked a higher power for advice on situations in my life that were troubling. What I heard was this: “Choose love.” When my striver kicks in and I find myself...

Sacred Conversations on Work, Episode 23
GUEST: Ingrid Fetell Lee HOST: Carol Ross Guest Contact Information: Ingrid Fetell Lee's website: www.aestheticsofjoy.com Ingrid Fetell Lee on Instagram: @aestheticsofjoy Click here to listen to Episode 23 on iTunes Click here to listen to Episode 23 on Stitcher...

Sacred Conversations on Work, Episode 22
GUEST: Judi Neal HOST: Carol Ross Guest Contact Information: Judi Neal's website: www.edgewalkers.org Judi Neal's email: judi@edgewalkers.org Click here to listen to Episode 22 on iTunes Click here to listen to Episode 22 on Stitcher In Episode 22, Carol continues...

Sacred Conversations on Work, Episode 21
GUEST: Judi Neal HOST: Carol Ross Guest Contact Information: Judi Neal's website: www.edgewalkers.org Judi Neal's email: judi@edgewalkers.org Click here to listen to Episode 21 on iTunes Click here to listen to Episode 21 on Stitcher In Episode 21, Carol talks...